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aula 03

A Alemanha aprovou mais medidas para conter o consumo de gás no próximo inverno. Com a guerra na Ucrânia e o bloqueio ao gás da Rússia, Berlim quer cortar mais 2,5% no consumo de energia no setor público já nos próximos meses.

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The Bundestag lower house on Friday approved legislation requiring Germany's privately-operated gas storage facilities to be full at the start of the next winter, to try to avert shortages in the event of a halt in Russian gas imports.

By 2035, Germany plans to complete all its electricity needs with supplies from renewable resources.
Europe’s biggest economy has been pressured from other Western nations to depend less on Russian gas. However, its plans left the country with few options; by 2022, it wants to phase out coal-fired power plants and to shut its nuclear power plants.
According to officials, the country’s energy from wind or solar power should be 80% by 2030. By then, solar energy would more than triple. The country’s onshore wind energy power should double to up to 110 gigawatts, and offshore wind energy power should reach 30 gigawatts. All of the energy would be the same as the power of 10 nuclear power plants.
The German Finance Minister referred to renewable electricity resources as the energy of freedom.

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