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aula 04

Biocombustível ou agrocombustível é o combustível de origem biológica não fóssil, produzido a partir de processos sob a biomassa. Como a biomassa pode ser usada diretamente como combustível, algumas pessoas consideram a biomassa como sinônimo de biocombustível. Entretanto, ...

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Biofuel provides energy security. Energy security is the most constant supply that is available and affordable for consumers as well as the industry. Some of the many risks to energy security are disrupting the supply of fossil fuels, energy price hikes and limited sources of fuel.

German airline Lufthansa said that it would become the first airline to operate a CO2 neutral cargo flight. According to Lufthansa, it was possible by using so-called sustainable aviation fuel for the flight. 
Peter Gerber, the chairman of Lufthansa cargo group, says that a flight becomes CO2 neutral if it uses biofuel which already includes CO2. However, Gerber does not expect biofuel to become used more widely anytime soon because it is between three and six times more expensive than conventional kerosene.
Global oil demand has been crushed by this year´s events and it may never fully recover. It leads to the closure of refineries and forces some companies to opt for cleaner alternatives that convert plants to produce biofuels.

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