aula 08
Não é de hoje que pediatras, psicólogos e outros profissionais defendem mais cuidado e moderação com os meios eletrônicos na infância. Nos últimos tempos, porém, não só rolou uma avalanche de evidências científicas sobre as repercussões negativas desse estilo de vida vidrado nas telas como cresceu a preocupação com o uso cada vez precoce e intenso de computadores, smartphones e tablets

Being active can be fun. There are lots of options for children of all ages and activity levels. Help children find an activity they enjoy so they love getting active from a young age.
The World Health Organization issued new guidelines on physical activity and sleep for children under 5.
The guidelines overall echo what many parents have been saying for years. Generally speaking, children should move more, sit less and get enough quality sleep so that they grow up physically and mentally healthy.
Children between the ages of 1 and 4 should spend at least three hours a day in a variety of physical activities, and infants less than 1 year old should also be physically active several times a day.
The WHO says that kids between 2 and 4 years old should not spend more than an hour a day watching an electronic screen, and kids younger than that should not look at them at all.