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aula 06

Cerca de quatro milhões de crianças no mundo desenvolvem asma todos os anos devido à inalação de dióxido de azoto, um gás que resulta sobretudo da queima de combustíveis fósseis.

As contas são feitas por investigadores da Escola de Saúde Pública do Instituto Milken, da Universidade George Washington, nos EUA, com base em dados de 2010 a 2015, que estima que 64% destes novos casos tenham origem em áreas urbanas

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If you and your kid live near a busy roadway and find yourselves short of breath or constantly wheezing, your address could be to blame. In fact, researchers now believe that there's a strong link between daily exposure to steady streams of traffic and allergic asthma.

Asthma is a serious medical condition because it is lifelong; there is no cure. A study says that pollution from traffic connects to 4 million new cases of asthma in children each year.
Researchers studied the pollution and how it affects children’s health in 194 countries and 125 large cities.
This is not the first study to make this claim, but the study’s main author says that it gives a comprehensive idea of the problem. She says that it tells where pollution hot spots are.
Some people think that worldwide rules for pollution need to change. Another idea is to make it easier to have cleaner transportation.
The author also said that there are other pollutants in the world causing diseases, such as lung cancer, strokes, heart disease, and developmental issues.

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